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How does it work?
Socra’s users are asked to take pictures or video’s in which they’re being productive, users decide for themselves what being productive means for them. For example, they can post a quick hustle post about reading a book or going to the gym which will appear in a story like manner on the feeds of their friends. Or users can post more sought-after progression post onto their account which will appear on the feeds of their friends for a longer time to see, these posts can again vary hugely, from learning a new song on an instrument to reaching new gym pr’s.
By means of comparison active users and friend groups inspire each other to be more productive
So get out there and do something good, or even, GREAT with your life and let Socra help you to get there!

Barend Groote
Director, Co founder, CEO

Marcel Dijkgraaf
CEO, Mobile Waters BV

Heinz Wagner
Director, Beethoven
Participate Maatschappij

Founder & shareholder,
Absolute Motors

David van der Loo
Founder, Appsspecialisten

Socra® Copyright © 2024